Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why You Need Mediation in Child Custody and Visitation

You must have told your children so many times that you do not want to hear whose fault it was and you must have wanted then to play fair and stop fighting. Therefore you can thoroughly understand how California’s family lawyers work. Only a good divorce and family lawyer can guide you the duties and rights on your child after the divorce with your spouse.

In California, when a couple gets separated or get divorced, the court issues an order for the child custody and visitation based on the best interest of the minor child. The child custodies are of many types but the court tries that the parents should have a joint custody i.e. the child will stay with both the parents as per the set schedule. In most of the cases the court attempts to preserve the status quo, since the interest and stability of the minor is of crucial importance. The status quo will be continued with custody and visitation rights on the child with some exceptions like emergency, where the court can modify the custody and visitation just to protect the interest of the minor.  In some circumstances Court can even provide the sole responsibility and custody of the child to one parent.

You can thoroughly understand the theme behind the disclosure obligations in California, if you ever told your child to brush twice a day and been asked why, to which you answered that keeps your teeth healthy and problem free (secretly you thinking all you want them to be away of dental problems so that you don’t have to miss your work…right!). Similarly the courts do not want to be burden and re-doing the trails. Therefore the gigliottilalaw is providing mandatory mediation. California requires that parties in contested litigation attempt mediation with a facilitator, a specially trained fairly neutral third party in an make an effort to resolve their disagreements.

Encino mediation centre is serving as Los Angeles Superior Court Settlement Conference officer since 1995; therefore they have excellent experience in settling civil and family disputes through mediation. The mediation is an informal process which hardly takes much time, which can be completed in a day or two. This process actually works and save the interest of both the parties by keeping them away from the hassles of court trials.

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